How to Handle Business Data Changes on Online Listing

Nowadays online directories are very important and help a lot the companies in the long run to get more consumers. As people are depending on the local searches more as it consumes less time even before interacting with the trader or seller. Hence local online directories are of great importance.

Where to get listed?

A good online directory is very important for the business listing as it increases your visibility on the web. Hence it is important to choose the good one which is a hard task. But you can trust Bleen an Australian business directory and service finder platform that make the consumer in contact with the local traders and sellers with their advanced service.

How to handle business data changes?

A company has to go through many situations under which it has to change its information. It is very important to update that information on the online directories as it also helps in free business advertising. So, let’s know how you can handle those changes:

  • First of all, try to find the all-existing reference including the website of your company, blogs, articles, or the new sites of your old data that is available on the internet. Then start editing those references after which you have to update the old pages on your websites.
  • Edit the present existing data that you have given in the directories. Additionally, contact the publications that have references to your old outdated data and ask them to update those data.
  • For better and fast-changing you can take the help of an automated location data management service which will distribute your new data and information to your used listing on some of the important platforms like google and yahoo.
  • However, in those cases which are not managed by the automated data management service, you have to choose your own have to edit and update the old sites with the new data.

How to deal with the NAP changing situations?

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In case you are changing your office block, it is very necessary to update it as soon as possible to prevent confusion and conflicts. you can try these considerations for your business move:

  • Update all the references that contain your old address. Also, provide the new map and the driving direction to help people to get to your new location.
  • Find the listings with your old data for your previous occupant and report it to get closed.
  • Also, don’t forget to update your previous business blogs, government indexes, and other information.
  • Make a post about your move and new address on all social media accounts.
  • Don’t forget to upload the new picture of your new location for a better visual representation.
  • Go through all the business listing services to prevent the double listing issue.


As now you are aware of the importance of the online listing go through the business directories. However, this thing may not be enough for your business. Hence for better results, you can take the help of BusyFox an article and news platform. Here you can publish articles and press releases about your company.