Today, everything is possible on social media. You can reconnect to long lost friends, you can support a political campaign or a sports team, you can advertize your business, you can buy everything you need, you can start charity campaigns, and you can join a cause or start a movement. On top of all that, a great thing is that you can become an influencer or a content creator when you have some ideas that seem interesting.
Becoming a content creator can translate into a lot of money when you sell your videos online on social media. Although there are more online platforms which offer monetization opportunities, fan apps are the new trend. These subscription-based platforms offer the easiest way to sell your videos online, your pictures and other content you create. Today we’re going to take a look at, a fan app that enjoys popularity thanks to the freedom it guarantees and the functions of the platform. If you’re into online modeling, then you should know that one of the first popular content creators that joined qrush is Averilellis, but more and more influencers and fans are opening up accounts each day. If you want to sell your videos online and grow your popularity and fanbase, you need to be on! Here’s why!
Communication is a two-way street and it’s really important for you to understand that if you ant to create fresh and interesting online content. That’s why you need to chose a platform that helps you reach your audience and connect to your followers for getting the best feedback possible. In order to succeed as an influencer, you need to have two main goals: keeping your current followers interested in your content and attracting more fans by creating an effective marketing campaign. We’ll talk about online marketing in a minute. Right now, you need to know how works.
All you have to do is open up an account on the platform and post fresh content on your private page. Just set a subscription price for your fans ($5 to $50 per month) and start uploading videos and photos! More and more content creators are enjoying important revenue from qrush each day, so why should you miss out on this trend?

How to set up your qrush profile
The main thing you need to know is that influencer accounts have 2 profile pages. One is for the free content (a preview of your content), the other one helps you sell your videos online.
The first step in your qrush marketing strategy should focus on building a strong free content page. You need to attract admirers and get as much attention as possible. Unlike other social media platforms, you won’t have to worry about rules that can get your account suspended or losing your followers. The free profile page should be used to promote videos, pictures, and content that you create, so try to offer viewers a preview of the things they will enjoy if they subscribe to your profile. Teasing is a very strong online marketing technique, so use it at its full capacity! You can post trailer videos or even full-length content – everything that can help you get noticed.
Once you set up the free profile page on qrush, it’s time to start earning some money. You can sell your videos online via your private page, but the platform offers a lot more earning opportunities. You’ll have different ways to engage your audience and enjoy more money from the content you create, so you could try PPV messages, paid DM’s, and even video calls. All of these features will help you keep your subscribers engaged and they will have the chance to know the real you.